The Double Ambassador


I was going to speak at an event in Mexico city and needed my beard trimmed a bit. Walked from the hotel looking for a barbershop and about half a mile later I found a little one. I was greeted warmly by the staff. They asked if I made an appointment. I said no. The place was almost empty, so they were able to accommodate me promptly.

The menu was long as it included different types and levels of haircuts, salon services, and several beauty products. The barber directed me to a chair and asked what I wanted. I said “give me ‘The Italian’, man”, the simplest, least expensive option.

As he prepared the equipment, he asked me if I wanted “The Ambassador”, which included neck massage and better products. I politely declined, since I didn’t think I needed anything besides the trimming.

“I hear you, sir. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you that if you take The Ambassador, I will upgrade you to an off-the-menu special: The Double Ambassador”.

I hesitated. Was I being upsold? Or was I about to pass on a great bargain of the capillary variety?

Every interaction with others can turn into a deal and later its corresponding transaction if we let them. Sometimes it is hard to retain a shred of our humanity. However, there is no choice but to keep trying every day as if it was the last.

“Sure, let’s do the Double Ambassador”, I replied. “Life is short anyway, isn’t it?

“Yes, sir. We are reminded of that all the time around here”.


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